Trustee: Brioxy

Oakland, CA


Why are you interested in becoming a Trustee?
We are deeply committed to expanding access to capital for innovators of color. Our members are community leaders with brilliant ideas to transform and build solutions that impact our generation. Connecting them with capital will unlock answers to many of the persistent problems our communities face.
What is the mission of your organization?
Brioxy is the fastest growing network for innovators of color. Membership includes career advising, home ownership support and unique opportunities for you to increase your networks. We create spaces for young people of color to invest in each other. We focus on innovators who drive transformative change. By harnessing the energy and vision of young people of color—we are reshaping the opportunity landscape in this country. Let us be your tribe. #ReadyGeneration

Borrower Due Diligence

How will you decide who to endorse as a borrower? What due diligence will you conduct?
All of our members will be required to produce a mini business plan that covers: *How they plan to market and build their brand *Their key revenue streams with 2 years financial projections *A contingency plan in the event that their projections fail for making payments *As of 2018, we now require any entrepreneur whose loan we endorse to go through our training and coaching pipeline to reduce the likelihood of default.

About Brioxy

Location: Oakland,
Total loans: $36,100

All Loans for this Trustee