Trustee: Native American Health Center

Oakland , CA


Why are you interested in becoming a Trustee?
Native American Health Center would like to contribute toward increasing economic opportunities in the San Francisco Bay Area for Native Americans, recognizing that the physical and mental health of Native peoples in the Bay Area is intimately tied to economic wellbeing.
What is the mission of your organization?
Native American Health Center assists American Indians and Alaska Natives to improve and maintain their physical, mental, emotional, social and spiritual well-being with respect for cultural traditions and to advocate for the needs of all Indian people, especially the most vulnerable members of our community.

Borrower Due Diligence

How will you decide who to endorse as a borrower? What due diligence will you conduct?
Entrepreneurs endorsed by NAHC will be backed by the assessment of its Selection Committee: an advisory group of NAHC staff/board with appropriate expertise in areas directly related to assessing the quality of business plans and knowledge of community stewardship. The due diligence components--and weights assigned to each component--are: Fiscal Soundness: 50%, Business Plan: 25%, Community & Cultural Stewardship: 25%. Fiscal Soundness will be assessed by reviewing the long and short term financial goals/projection and the borrower's financial record, especially debt history and credit score. The Business Plan will be assessed by reviewing the quality of proposal in the Background and Experience, Market Analysis and gap to be filled, Work Plan to address the gap, Sustainability plan. Community & Cultural Stewardship will assess evidence of the degree of community involvement/service and/or cultural integrity displayed in the proposed venture.

About Native American Health Center

Location: Oakland ,
Total loans: $7,000
Repaid in full: Not enough data
Defaulted: Not enough data
Repayment rate: Not enough data

All Loans for this Trustee