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Wilmington, DE, United States
I loan because:
I've needed help in the past, and am sure I'll need it in the future. This is my way of paying that help forward. Being disabled and unable to earn an income has made me appreciate, even more, how much it can mean to someone to have even just a little support. I only wish I had more money I could loan. I only loan to women because in most of the poorer & poorest countries, they are the spine that holds the family body together. All of my loans, for quite some time now, are to help these women obtain clean water supplies, along with materials needed for home sanitation. To me, there is nothing more important. Everyone, everywhere, deserves unfettered access to clean water and sanitation for, not only their families to survive, but to help their community as a whole. I can't even fathom the burdens on these women to obtain safe, clean water for their families & villages.
About me:
I'm a disabled woman and am preparing my adult son with autism for a future without me. I know it sounds morbid, but it's reality. Everything I do is to meet that goal of independence, with lifetime supports, for him. Even lending via KIVA. I believe it's very important for my son to understand that just because we are poor doesn't mean we should ever stop helping those in the world who struggle much, much harder than we do. If I am successful in teaching this to him, he will continue to help others with an understanding of just how important it is to give something back to the world.
Member Since:
Dec 10, 2008
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