A loan helped to buy another quality dairy cow.

Flomena's story

As a mother of five lovely angels, Flomena's great desire is to see her children grow to become professionals. It is what encourages Flomena and fills her with enthusiasm.

She has been practicing mixed farming for the past twelve years. On her farm Flomena grows maize, has dairy cows, and raises poultry. She sells milk, eggs, and maize. Despite her low earnings, farming gives her a great sense of satisfaction. When she is not farming, Flomena engages in some personal business to help supplement her income.

Flomena is seeking a loan to buy a dairy cow and is planning to become a full-fledged dairy farmer. Her future plan is to construct a zero-grazing unit. That way, she can use the grazing field to plant fodder and prepare silage.

With this loan, Flomena hopes grow into a very successful dairy farmer. Her desire is for her family to enjoy the abundance of life, good health, and a good livelihood. Flomena hopes to succeed thanks to the support from the kind-hearted people like Kiva lenders who support smallholder farmers.

This loan is special because:

It finances smallholder farmers to purchase dairy cows, chickens and farming equipment.

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