A loan helped purchase a collarette/coverstitch machine, a Siruba sewing machine and raw materials for the production of clothes, allowing him to increase his income and pay for his studies.

Jherson Alvaro's story

Mr. Jherson is 19 years old, he lives in the Chuquisaca department of the Monteagudo municipality. He lives at home with his parents and works in a rented space, his work is the production of sports attire such as sweaters and shirts. Trough this activity he generates incomes to finance his studies. He currently studies during the night at the university. He does not have any children who depend on him.

Mr. Jherson is requesting a loan to purchase a collarete/coverstitch machine, a Siruba sewing machine and raw materials for the production of sports clothing and more formal wear. This way he will be able to increment the amount of work he has and generate better income from his job so he can have better life conditions and pay for his studies.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Samuel Martinez.

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