A loan helped to buy candy, cookies, pastries, etc. for her business.

Dania Maria's story

Dania is a very hard-working and responsible person who lives in southern Honduras with her family. Her business is a candy and gum stand. She has had the business for 10 years. Dania's business is located in her home. She needs a loan today to buy candy, cookies, pastries, etc. for her business and in this way stock her business, which provides her a large part of her income. Dania hopes to increase her sales and the increased stock would help because she doesn't have enough products to cover the orders her customers are asking for daily. This will be able to help her improve the quality of life for her family and increase the income in her home. She hopes in the short term to grow her business and with this be able to continue supporting her family. She also hopes that her children complete their education so that they can have greater opportunities in life.
Choluteca, Honduras – November 2014

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Cindy Kendall.

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