A loan helped to buy farming supplies to look after her crops.

Pabla's story

Pabla is 55 years old and completed only primary education. She could not continue with school as her parents did not have enough money to pay for it. Pabla is married; she has been with her husband for many years.

Pabla works with her husband growing crops and producing coffee of the lempira variety. The couple has crops on around 1.75 acres of land and looks after the crops as necessary in order to have a successful harvest.

Pabla and her husband have three children; the eldest two are married and, having learned the trade from their parents, also work growing coffee. The two eldest only completed primary school as well, as Pabla and her husband did not then have the money to pay for school. The youngest child still lives at home and works with his father in the field.

The area where Pabla lives is a coffee-growing region. Here the majority of families grow coffee and this is their only source of income. The families lives about fifteen kilometres from the community where the coffee is sold.

One advantage that Pabla has in her work is that she lives on the same land where she grows her crops.

Pabla's goals are to increase her quality of life, and to have more diversity in her coffee crops and grow basic grains in order not to depend on just one crop.

On this occasion, Pabla is applying for financial support in order to buy the farming supplies that she needs in order to help look after her coffee crops this season. Pabla needs manure, fertilisers and other items that will help her to have excellent results.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Iain Gaw.

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