A loan helped to purchase two dairy cows in order to increase the volume of milk to sell, and to harvest eco-friendly haricot.

Ryskul's story

Ryskul is 64 years old, married and lives with her son. Ryskul has secondary vocational education. As a main source of income for her family, she has worked with field crop cultivation since 1991, after having started this business with 15,000 som (KGS).

Ryskul has four dairy cows, two bulls and also a plot of land of 3.0 hectares on her farm. Every year she plants crops and haricots to sell. Ryskul also sells milk and dairy products at the local market. Ecological products are in great demand and brings an income of around 13,000 som (KGS) per month.

With an aim to further develop her business, Ryskul turned to the bank "Bai Tushum" for a loan in the amount of 105,000 som (KGS) to purchase two dairy cows. Part f the money she will also spend on harvesting haricots. Ryskul plans to invest the income from the loan in further developing her business, and also save money for better purchasing animal shelters.

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Translated from Russian by Kiva volunteer Audhild A..

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