A loan helped a member to buy 50 pairs of shoes.

Twendembele Group's story

The customer, Buhoro, has been a trader for the past eight years and is the president and a member of the Twendembele business association. She is 35 years old, married and mother to six children, all of whom are studying. She sells used shoes and lays out her goods in the town's central market. She is requesting a loan from Hekima to expand her business. She is going to buy 50 pairs of shoes. Her husband is a driver and provided her with the capital to start her business. In the future she would like to be able to educate and feed her children. She is grateful to Hekima for having well chosen its objective to support female entrepreneurs who are exlcuded from the classic bank system, by granting them loans without any material guarantee, particularly during the post-conflict period in the east of the country.

In this group: Leonie, Geneviev, José, Espe, Annie, Bertine, Buhoro, Faida, Appoline, Estella, Esperance, Bishweka, Niclette, Kalungero, Nelly, Sifa, Kamwasi Via, Feza, Birhachimana, Magambo, Masimamgo, Mirindi, Bashonga, Bwila, Rosalie, Chance

Translator profile picture

Translated from French by Kiva volunteer Alison Le Bras.

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