A loan helped a member to buy banners.

Alpaquitas Group's story

The “Alpaquitas” (Little Alpacas) communal bank will start the 19th cycle in Pro Mujer as part of the Villa Exaltación Focal Center. It has 8 members led by a governing board presided over by Ruth. The communal bank members are in a variety of businesses among which are: food sales, neighborhood store, coca leaf sales, paper towel and newspaper sales, purse manufacturing, fruit sales and light bulb sales.

The loan they’ll take out will benefit small micro businesswomen like Ruth. She indicates that she joined Pro Mujer 8 years ago thanks to an invitation from a girlfriend who is a member of the institution. She currently sells seasonal products, a business she started on her own initiative seeing that the public has unending needs.

The loan she’ll take out now is to increase capital. She will buy banners in street markets in the city of El Alto and then resell them in her sales space. This way of working allows her to generate income to support her home since she’s single and currently studying. When asked what she likes about Pro Mujer, she answers that she likes the credit and the health area.

In this group: Ruth Miriam , Aida , Maclovia, Lucy , Beatriz Martha, Monica , Leonor , Luisa

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Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

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