A loan helped to buy two bicycles for his children to travel back and forth to school.

Silvio José's story

Silvio José is 44 years old and has four children. They live in the region of San Agustín, which is located 15 kilometers from the municipality of El Sauce. Silvio José has worked for years in a company as a security guard, which allows him to bring home bread to his family each day. Although he may not earn a lot of money, he carries out his work with great care and determination. Moreover, it is a fixed salary he earns, and with it he can feed his family.

Silvio José is requesting a Kiva loan through CEPRODEL to buy two bicycles for his children, who walk three kilometers each day to go to school. The bicycles would save them from having to walk such a long distance in the sun. Silvio José says that even with such great obstacles, his children are interested in learning and bettering themselves, and that although they live in the country, they do not lack for education.

Silvio José is grateful to Kiva and CEPRODEL for the support they have provided him, and he hopes that this loan is approved for the good of his children, who are the most important thing in his life.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Graham Robinson.

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