A loan helped to purchase young livestock - calves and lambs.

Bujamal's story

Bujamal is 43 years old, married, and has 5 children. Bujamal has been engaged in livestock breeding since 1995, having started this business by buying sheep. Thanks to persistent work, Bujamal currently has 3 cows and 18 sheep on her farm. The income from selling milk and dairy products is around 30,000 com (KGS) per month.

With an aim to further develop her business, Bujamal turned to the organization "Bai Tushum & Partners" for a loan in the amount of 130,000 som (KGS) for the purchase of young livestock - calves and lambs. Bujamal plans to invest the income from the loan in further increasing the number of livestock.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Russian by Kiva volunteer Audhild A..

Loan details

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