A loan helped a member to operate her retail trade business.

09- Gpf L'avenir Des Femmes Maries Group's story

This group is composed of 6 women who maintain strong relationships and live in the same community. They seized the opportunity to join a women's group when it was established in November of 2021. These women work mainly in retail trade, selling a variety of products.

Madame Fatimata, seen in the photo with her hand raised, is the group's representative. She is 32 years old, married, and is the mother of 4 schoolchildren. She has been active in the area of retail trade for several years.

With this loan, Madame Fatimata plans to stock up on rice, cooking oil, and sugar, that she will sell in her community. With the profits, she will cover the daily expenses, and also the health and educational expenses for her children.

In this group: Fatimata Mamadou, Fatimata Mamadou, Binta, Néné, Oumou Salamata, Fatimata

Translator profile picture

Translated from French by Kiva volunteer Lisa Grobar.

This loan is special because:

It empowers women in rural and suburban Senegal.

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