A loan helped to purchase pigs, potatoes, carrots, oats, balanced feed and saline solution.

Gloria Tatiana's story

Gloria is 31 years old, and lives in the rural sector of Tuquer. It is an area where people farm and raise animals. She is in a relationship and has two small children who attend the one-room school in the area. One of the farm activities she does to make a living is raising pigs. Gloria is requesting a loan to assist with this work, which will be used to purchase pigs, potatoes, carrots, oats, balanced feed and saline solution. She will be able to raise more pigs to sell, which will allow her to earn more income and provide for her family's daily needs.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Shannon Perko.

This loan is special because:

It aims to reach vulnerable refugee populations in an isolated region.

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