A loan helped to purchase a delivery vehicle powerful enough to carry heavy water deliveries over Iringa's hilly and steep terrain.

Mosses Peter's story

Mosses Peter was drawn to the mission of providing clean, affordable water to his local community. After working for two years reselling water in his neighborhood in Arusha, he took the risk to move to Iringa and operate his own franchise to reach even more customers.

Mosses has been steadily serving his customers and finding homes that need access to safe drinking water but is limited by his ability to adequately service his customers efficiently and in a timely manner, as he lacks a water delivery van. He dreams of having access to a vehicle where he can load 30 products at once and get them their water on time, so he can find more customers in need of his water.

He believes strongly that the refill model of Jibu is needed for the environment and using the same bottles over time is what makes it affordable to the end-user.

A loan will allow Mosses to scale up his business and reach more customers with the purchase of a water delivery van.
The loan will be repaid from the increased sales of refillable water sold, as he grows the customer base and reaches more households in the community.

This loan is special because:

It supports entrepreneurs and increases access to affordable, clean water.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details