A loan helped to purchase a water delivery van and distribute heavy 20 litres bottles in his Dar es Salaam territory.

Bernard's story

Bernard worked at one of the largest mass-produced soda manufacturers in the world. He first saw Jibu water at a co-worker's house and was drawn to the mission of providing clean, and affordable water to his local community in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Bernard’s dream was to operate his own franchise to produce the water himself and reach even more customers. Bernard employs a team of young and dedicated people who are uncovering a strong demand for safe and affordable water in the community.

A loan with the purchase of a delivery van will allow Bernard to scale his business and reach more customers. This will save him from having to build up a capital base from his own profits, which would slow his potential for growth.

The loan will be repaid from his profits, as he grows his customer base and reaches more under-served households in his community.

This loan is special because:

It supports entrepreneurs and increases access to affordable, clean water.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details