A loan helped to buy blouses, shorts, trousers, shoes and trainers.

Viviana Beatriz's story

Viviana Beatriz is 43 years old. She is single and has a son, now an adult, and a nine-year-old daughter. Viviana lives with her children in Manta city, a place known for its large fishing trade and industry. Its beautiful beaches and rich gastronomy are very popular in the Manabi province.

Viviana is a plucky woman who works very hard for her children's well-being. Viviana sells clothing from home. She sells shoes, trainers and clothing for men and women, such as trousers, shirts, blouses, and other clothing items. She has been running this business every day for a number of years. Viviana has regular customers who come to visit and buy their merchandise owing to the good quality offered. Viviana offers different payment systems, including payments every fortnight. Viviana wants to keep her business active.

This loan will be used to buy blouses, shorts, trousers, shoes and trainers.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Iain Gaw.

This loan is special because:

It helps borrowers withstand negative economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.

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