A loan helped to pay for his son's university fee for this year so that he will be able to continue his studies.

Elinor's story

Elinor is a 50-year-old man from Korca city. He is married and a proud father of only one son. He lives with his family and his elderly parents in an apartment. He is a tiler by profession. He tries very hard to provide for his family, especially for his son. He wants him to have a better life and higher chances for a good job in the future.

Elinor is hoping for the first time for Kiva lenders support to pay for his son's university fee for this year so that he will be able to continue his studies.

Elinor thanks all Kiva lenders for the support given and for enabling him to accomplish his duty as a parent.

This loan is special because:

It helps low-income students access education and pursue a better future.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details