A loan helped to cover her student expenses for her first academic year at the university.

Nino's story

Nino is 18 years old, who has studied hard to become a student at the State University. She is on her way to meet a new stage of her life. She is on the first course and requires a loan to cover the current year's tuition fees so she can start studying in Electronics and Computer engineering faculty. Lack of financial support is Nino's main problem.

After graduation, she is eager to continue her higher education of Magistracy and meet her potential, making her very competitive and employable.

Credo, which is a joint project with Kiva that gives Georgian students a good chance to invest in their education, has approved a student loan for her.

Nino appreciates so much Kiva lenders' help.

This loan is special because:

It allows low-income students to pursue education and find jobs before repaying.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details