A loan helped a member to buy a variety of top-quality thread.

Mujeres Nacoj Group's story

Abelina, a 44-year-old married mother of 4 children over the age of 9, has a traditional textile business. Her youngest daughter has special needs and her oldest daughter weaves and helps her in the business. She has 1 grandson. For years, she has woven colorful traditional pants, blouses, utility cloths, and belts. Her goals are to enlarge the business, employ more women, and always have a fully stocked inventory. Abelina is requesting her 3rd Kiva loan to buy a quantity of top-quality thread.

Six Maya Kaquichel women have elected Abelina to be the treasurer of their Friendship Bridge Trust Bank called “Mujeres Nacoj” in the department/state of Sacatepequez. These ladies also have traditional textile businesses, as well as tortilla shops or “tortillerias.” They meet monthly, make loan payments, and then participate in interactive educational training, which is part of the “Microcredit Plus” program. Topics for training are relevant to their lives and designed by a facilitator who speaks their language. Recent topics were how to improve business practices and wise investing. Other topics are about health, family, nutrition, hygiene, and women (self-esteem, empowerment, women’s rights/roles. The women are eager to learn and often share the information with family members and friends.

Abelina and her friends send their gratitude to Kiva investors from all parts of the world who fund their much-appreciated loans. Thank you!

In this group: Abelina , Cecilia , Alicia , Silvia Nineth , Serbanda Cristal , Madelyn Lucila Dayana , Sara

This loan is special because:

Clients receive in-depth trainings on business, health, over-indebtedness, and self-esteem.

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