A loan helped to buy a couple of cows and bulls to start a cattle breeding business.

Khursheda's story

Khursheda is from the town of Panjakent. She is 46 years old. Khursheda lives with her husband and children. Her husband is a teacher. She's a hardworking woman. She works hard around the house. She is responsible for her children.

Khursheda's husband earns an income, but she still doesn't have enough to provide for the family. She is grateful to her husband for caring for them. But Khursheda decided to not just rely only on her husband. She wants to start a new business and help him provide for the family. Khursheda wants her husband to come home and for them to work together to have a family budget.

Khursheda decided to raise cattle. She needs to buy a couple cows and bull calves to get started. Unfortunately, Khursheda doesn't have the funds, so she is turning to you for a loan. Help Khursheda start her business and achieve success.

Translated from Russian by Kiva volunteer Peter Ward.

This loan is special because:

It helps a vulnerable person start a new business.

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