A loan helped to fertilize and look after his cocoa and coffee crops.

Paulino's story

Paulino is 54 years old. He has 3 children aged 30, 20 and 10. He currently lives with his partner, who works managing cable payments.

He considers himself a responsible, hard-working and serious man, very committed to his duties and obligations. He has had his cocoa and coffee business for 7 years. He harvests and produces for sale.

That is why his biggest challenge is to improve the quality of his products and increase the production of more crops. Likewise, his great dream is to become a recognized farmer in his community. In addition to this business, his other source of income is his own moto-taxi for transportation or rental services.

He will use the Kiva loan to fertilize and look after his cocoa and coffee crops, and with the extra profits he will invest in his crops and the improvement of his home.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer E. Power.

This loan is special because:

It schedules repayment rates based on the harvest season to put less pressure on farmers' families.

Loan details

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Loan details