A loan helped to buy a cow, salt, balanced feed, and silage.

Miriam Esperanza's story

Miriam is a country woman. She is 38 years old and married. She has two minor children, who attend school. The source of livelihood of this humble family is agricultural work. From their hard work and perseverance, they have managed to have their own house.

For her part, Miriam wants to boost her work raising cattle, and she seeks help to finance the purchase of a cow, salt, balanced feed, and silage. In this way, she will be able to obtain more liters of milk to turn over and thus receive better biweekly earnings, which will help to cover the education of her children.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Pam McMurry.

This loan is special because:

It aims to reach vulnerable refugee populations in an isolated region.

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