A loan helped a black woman-owned and operated, agricultural business develop and grow.

Susanne's story

I started Serenity Valley Flower Farm during the pandemic after spending about a year developing my gardens on the Key Peninsula in Gig Harbor Wa. I had immersed myself in the serenity, tranquility and beauty of the gardens while growing flowers and decided that I wanted to share this love of blooms that bring joy and happiness to others by growing specialty cut flowers for sale.

I have a background in health and wellness as a natural products broker and selling specialist and had run a successful business in the wellness industry for over a decade before COVID hit and drastically limited my ability to carry on in that business for the duration of the pandemic.
My family says that I am like my grandmother who was an avid gardener and had a love of flowers just like me. My grandparents were farmers who lived off of their land their entire life. They were careful stewards of the land and animals and I feel their sprit in much of what I am pursuing. I spent much of my childhood in their company on Salt Spring Island in BC, Canada. Gig Harbor reminds so much of the happy childhood place and that is why I bought my home on the property here.
Now that the business is a year in, I find myself in a bit of a conundrum. After boot strapping the entire business from my personal savings during I have come to a point where I am short of funds to continue with supplies to grow enough to satisfy the client requests for the coming months. With needed funds I feel confident I will achieve continued success building my business to the next level so that I may continue to share my passion for growing flowers with the community.

This loan is special because:

It helps support our local community and the US economy by increasing availability of locally grown sustainable flowers.

Loan details

About Serenity Valley Flower Farm

Industry: Agriculture
Years in operation: 1 year - 3 years
Website: serentiyvalleyflowerfarm.com


Lenders and lending teams

Loan details