A loan helped a member buy machinery for their furniture workshop where they make wardrobes, chairs, and tables; as well as to improve their workshop.

Corazón Puro Group's story

This is the Corazón Puro group with Pro Mujer in Masaya, Nicaragua. These are responsible and punctual businesspeople who run diverse businesses such as clothing sales, fruits, vegetables, home appliances, and selling roast chicken.
Narciso Eusebio (dressed in the green shirt) is 45. He is one of the distinguished members. For over 20 years he has worked in his furniture workshop. His wife sells cosmetics. They have two children about to finish secondary school.
In the future he visualizes a more stable business.
A loan will allow him to buy machinery for his workshop where he makes wardrobes, chairs, and tables; as well as to improve his workshop's infrastructure.
They count on your support to succeed!

In this group: Maria Elena , Narciso Eusebio , Yajaira Lizeth , Lizeth Del Carmen , Marlene Oliet , Carlos Ivan , Ninoska Isabel , Martha Lorena , Amy Paola

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Christine Cooper.

This loan is special because:

It empowers women through community support and financial training.

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