A loan helped a member to buy more high-quality yarns and firewood.

Mujeres De San Jose Chirijuyu Group's story

Manuela is a 57-year-old woman who makes beautiful fabrics for typical blouses and tablecloths. She has only attended one grade in school. Manuela is a married woman and the mother of 10 children, all over 18 years of age, who studied in elementary school.

She and her husband also have a family business: a small lumber yard and sale of firewood. Thanks to their income, they have been able to provide better living conditions for their children. As the business is growing, she wants to continue investing in the business and wants to buy more high-quality yarns and firewood. This will be possible thanks to the third Kiva loan that Manuela hopes to receive.

Manuela and eight other Mayan Kaqchikel women belong to the Puente de Amistad Communal Bank “Mujeres de San Jose Chirijuyu”. They are originally from the Department (state) of Chimaltenango. These women have the opportunity to participate in the "Microcredit Plus" program at Puente de Amistad. They open their minds through topics of self-esteem, health, hygiene, good investment, and financial education in addition to having access to a small Kiva loan, to inject capital into small businesses of typical fabrics (huipiles, rebozos, girdles) and strawberry and tomato agriculture.

Thanks to all the Kiva lenders who support entrepreneurial women like Manuela.

In this group: Maria, Isabel, Herminia, Manuela, Maria Mercedes , Carmen Floridalma , Evidia , Elida Viviana, Eugenia

This loan is special because:

Clients receive in-depth trainings on business, health, over-indebtedness, and self-esteem.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

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