A loan helped to drill a well and install a hand pump well on the top of the drilled well.

Noy's story

Noy, a 27-year-old, is married and has been residing in the Chi Kraeng District of Siem Reap Province. She was born into an agricultural family, and the farming business has been the main source of her income. She is working very hard in raising her children and providing them a valued education. With her many years of experience, she is expert in taking care of her rice crops and other agriculture products and ensuring abundant harvests each year, except for the year of a big flood. She has been doing this for more than three years.

Noy has applied for a loan of $1,500 US dollars to drill a well and install a hand pump well on the top of the drilled well. She is hoping that she won’t face a water shortage in the future or she won't have to spend much time collecting water from the far-distant areas anymore.

She expresses her thanks to all Kiva lenders for showing their interest in poor people like her.

This loan is special because:

It provides access to clean, renewable energy sources, like solar and biogas.

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