A loan helped to purchase and process rice.

Jean Bosco's story

Jean Bosco is a long-time participant in AEC's program, and one of AEC's most impactful entrepreneurs. His rice processing company produces 10,000 tons of processed rice per year that he sells to schools, hospitals, restaurants, hotels, and in wholesale outlets. Jean Bosco's business employees 35 permanent staff, and works with 10,000 small holder farmers across 20 cooperatives across Rwanda. Jean Bosco has diligently repaid several loans, and is very well respected in the community for working with farmers respectfully and ethically.

Three weeks ago, the government of Rwanda took very protective measures to stopping the spread of COVD-19 by closing borders, restricting domestic travel, closing non-essential businesses. But COVID-19 isn't the only challenge Rwanda is facing. In a country that is still a net-importer of food, border closures means that local food production is even more important than ever before.

In normal circumstances, Jean Bosco provides an important service to his community. But in today's COVID-19 pandemic, Jean Bosco's work is vital. In the past few weeks, Jean Bosco has been reporting his inventory levels frequently to the Ministry of Agriculture, which is closely tracking rice production in order to understand future capacity as the pandemic continues.

Jean Bosco needs additional working capital to purchase inputs and process as much rice as possible. This is an important time for Jean Bosco's business, and the community.

This loan is special because:

It offers a full package of support for Rwanda's promising entrepreneurs.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details