A loan helped with the nutritional improvement of 1.05 hectares of coffee.

José Santos's story

José has worked for many years of his life within the coffee industry. From his small farm, he distributes different items, so that he can have a variety of options to market. Although there is an area intended for basic grains, he uses this for his own consumption. His farm is 5.28 hectares, which he manages with the help of his wife. It is in the north central region of Nicaragua, where he lives with his wife and two children. Jose's farm is Fairtrade certified, which means it has a commitment to the community.

For this cycle, together with the PAC technical team, he has designed a nutritional improvement plan for 1.05 hectares of coffee. The requested funds will be invested in purchasing: biofertilizers, calcium, and zinc, amongst other things, and also to pay the payment his co-workers.

With the support of his family, he has been able to maximise resources and production on his farm, which has helped to stabilise his family and support the community. José's dream is to have a model plantation, where he can share his experience with other producers, and improve his family's well-being.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

This loan is special because:

It allows farmers to plant trees needed to shade coffee plants.

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