A loan helped to buy groceries and Avon and Azzorti products.

Gladis Isabel's story

The city of Portoviejo was affected by an earthquake on April 16, 2016. The city is rich in the production of vegetables, legumes and tropical fruits for domestic consumption. Gladis is 37 years old. She is in a relationship. She has six children. Two of her children are older in age and independent. Her 17, 15, 11 and 9 year old are in school.
Her partner is an auto mechanic. Gladis lives in her own home. For more than 10 years, to help with the household expenses, she has sold breakfasts outside of her home with a few tables and chairs. She starts at 6 a.m. and ends at noon which is when she runs out of the items she has prepared. Her specialties are roasted pork, beef ribs, tripe stew, and cow tongue. She also sells products from Avon (beauty products, cosmetics, perfumes, and women’s accessories), Azzorti (beauty, personal care, home products, and clothing) and sheets. She sells these items during her free time which is about two hours daily. She orders on credit and charges weekly. With this new loan, she will buy groceries to continue preparing her delicious dishes as well as Avon and Azzorti orders. Her dream is to have her own place and to have a very healthy family.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Lauren Jackson.

This loan is special because:

It is accompanied by useful, real-life business training.

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