A loan helped a member to purchase meats, vegetables, condiments, and other products.

Saldivar Poty Group's story

The committee called Saldivar Poty is in its fourth cycle. The participants have expressed that they will work together like a real team to achieve excellent results.

One of the members is Blasida, who earns a living selling meals at her house. She takes care of making them herself and then selling them. She says that, thanks to her work, she has been able to provide for her family, and she wants to continue doing it. That is why she is striving to be able to improve.

She is requesting this loan to purchase supplies for making meals, such as meats, vegetables, condiments, and other products, in order to continue with her work as she has been doing.

In this group: Francisca, Marileia, Elena, Blasida, Gladys, Karina, Elizabeth, Maria, Andrea, Julia, Erika, Cecilia, Sintia, Alba, Giselda, Maria, Rossana, Caren, Marta, Mariela

Translated from Spanish.

This loan is special because:

It helps reach the underserved

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