A loan helped .

Tasha's story

I fell into “social enterprise”—didn’t even know the words for what I was doing for years. And I fell in love.

In 2002, one handshake caused a ripple—eventually changing the landscape of Nashville. His was the hottest, stickiest, puffiest hand I had ever shaken.

Don lived on a bench near my job. We saw each other every day. He never addressed me. I barely looked at him. It hit me: if I saw him as a “normal” person, I would have introduced myself long ago. After that handshake, we became friends—and I became inspired by the private life he led in public view.

My photojournalism and graphic design background, paired with new love for my homeless neighbors, was a good combination of skill and passion.

I founded The Contributor street newspaper in 2007—a publication that focuses on issues surrounding homelessness and poverty and is sold on the sidewalk by homeless and formerly-homeless men and women who keep the profit.

From this work, I won a trip to India through Whole Foods’ Whole Planet Foundation. We visited women entrepreneurs who are recipients of Grameen microloans. I also tried authentic Indian chai for the first time.

This experience inspired my 2nd social enterprise employing survivors of homelessness—Chai Wallah.

Gratefully, our chai has been embraced by the Indian community in Nashville—it reminds them "of home and family". This is why I do what I do. These interactions keep me going.

Face-to-face interaction between people on different sides of a divide is where dramatic change happens. I saw this every day at The Contributor and, as I become more involved with immigrant and refugee communities, I witness the same effect.

My dream is to increase this interaction over great cups of tea, while providing self-sufficiency for some amazing women.

This loan is special because:

This Kiva loan helps a female entrepreneur open a chai tea cart as a part of her social enterprise.

Loan details

About Chai Wallah, LLC

Industry: Food
Years in operation: New Business
Website: chaiwallah.guru


Lenders and lending teams

Loan details