A loan helped .

Edward's story

As a single dad with three kids, I experienced the challenges active families have of bringing together nourishing meals and spending time gathered around the dinner table. While working at a restaurant, I saw many parents who ordered carry out as a desperate attempts to provide warm meals because of the time crunches of after school activities and sports.

Starting DinnerUp to serve those busy families exposed me to the food service industry and working out of our commissary introduced me to the foodie community.

In this exposure, I see many opportunities to not only serve families, but the under-served communities and those eager to make improvements in their own lives as well. I would love to provide food prep training and build an environment where those with a need of financial improvements can learn and build a small food service of their own.

The unique commissary that I am associated with is a commercial kitchen dedicated to supporting start up food service businesses. Bakers and chefs who venture into a commercial business can find start up costs to be prohibitive and do so in this community environment. I have benefited tremendously and I can envision reaching out to others in the same spirit.

This loan is special because:

It helps a single parent provide nutritious meals in under-served communities in Columbus.

Loan details

About DinnerUp, LLC

Industry: Food
Years in operation: New Business
Website: dinnerup.com


Lenders and lending teams

Loan details