A loan helped to purchase materials to manufacture 50,000 water purifiers providing safe water for 250,000 people.

Nazava's story

This loan may have higher risk but higher impact. Learn more here.

Worldwide, 66% of the population (≈4.4 billion people) drink water that is either untreated or unimproved. As a result, 26.3% of children worldwide are stunted and nearly 1,500 children die of diarrhea on a daily basis.

Nazava Water Filters manufactures the most affordable and safest household water filters, empowering households to purify their own well, tap or rain water.

With a Nazava Water Filter, households can purify their well, tap or rain water without the need to boil or use electricity. The purified water is 9x cheaper than buying and 3x cheaper than boiling water, hence households can save over USD100 per year using the Nazava Water Filter. Nazava is based in Indonesia (the fourth most populous country in the world), but sells worldwide.

To date, Nazava has provided access to safe drinking water to over 600,000 people, enabling them to reduce their water costs by USD5 million and thereby reducing 34,000 tons of CO2 emissions, which equals the use of 9,000 cars/year.

Loan Use & Impact
Flexible financing is of utmost importance for scaling up impact. This loan enables Nazava to purchase the raw materials for 50 thousand water filters that can provide 250,000 people with safe drinking water. By 2020 Nazava aims to reach 1 million people.

View a video on their work here.

Note: Nazava is also a Kiva Field Partner. To learn more, visit their page.

This loan is special because:

it helps rural Indonesians access safe drinking water and reduces carbon dioxide emissions

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