A loan helped to acquire a 165 liter refrigeration system and accessories to be installed in her house.

Consepción's story

Consepción is married and has five children. She currently works growing beans, corn and cacao, and raises cows, calves and pigs.

She also has a small grocery store where she offers products that require refrigeration. However, in the community where she lives there is no electricity. For that reason she is seeking a loan to buy a solar refrigeration system to be installed in her house.

With this system she will be able to sell perishable products such as meats, milk products, etc. Consepsión would be very grateful if she receives this loan to buy a solar refrigeration system.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Laurie Hiller.

This loan is special because:

It provides families with solar fridges that require less energy to operate.

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