A loan helped to purchase bee-keeping materials and equipment so he can earn a better income for his family.

Rosendo's story

Sr. Rosendo is a 37-year old who lives in Chuquisaca Department in the municipality of Monteagudo. He lives in his own home, and his business is raising pigs. The loan being granted will be used to start a new bee-keeping business. Sr. Rosendo will produce honey, which will generate the income he needs to support his family.

Sr. Rosendo attends the trainings at the San Isidro education center. He has a wife and three children who attend primary and secondary school.

With the loan being granted, this borrower will purchase bee-keeping materials and equipment. This will give him and his family a new source of income so they can have a better standard of living, increased well-being and be able to live each day with their children in their home.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Marni Siegal.

This loan is special because:

It offers entrepreneurs loans with grace periods to set up new businesses.

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