A loan helped a member to buy high quality farms inputs and as a woking capital capital to farm their land.

Konco Tani Group's story

Not all farmer group leaders are elder. Adiyanto is young men who is leader of Konco Tani group. He is pictured in green shirt, third person from the left. Konco Tani Group consist of corn farmers from Lampung, Indonesia. These hard working men likes to have a coffee together and joke around. This fun group of farmers faces challenges in buying high quality farm inputs and access to capital. With loans from Kiva and field assistance from Vasham, KIVA's field partner, will help these farmers to buy high quality input and cover their operational expenses so they will achieve high yield and high revenue.

In this group: Adiyanto, Rusli, Ngadiran, Sardikin, Sukimin, Warno, Ngatijo

This loan is special because:

It provides farmers with tools, training and access to markets.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details