A loan helped to buy a motorbike.

Hillary's story

Hillary is a smallholder farmer. He is known for being an enterprising man with great aspirations. Hillary tirelessly works to raise animals and plant crops. Through these humble tasks, he aspires to support his family.

Hillary learned to do farm work at a young age, thanks to his parents. He has a tiny plot of land and has always struggled to support his family. For over five years, his income source has been from selling milk, poultry, and vegetables. He supplements the meager income by doing other personal business.

Hillary passionately loves dairy farming. Milking and feeding his own cow is the most enjoyable part about farming. He is very appreciative that dairy farming has been able to sustain farmers in his village.

Milk, poultry and vegetables are very perishable, and these products require timely delivery to the market. But one problem that he faces is delivering to the market on time. The Nandi Hills area has a poor road network and poor feeder roads that really hamper timely delivery of products to the market.

That is why Hillary is kindly seeking a loan to buy a motorbike. Hillary will use the motorbike to transport farm goods to and from the market. The motorbike is suited for areas with poor road networks that are inaccessible by cars. Hillary is full of hope that through the loan you will be able to impact his life positively.

This loan is special because:

It finances smallholder farmers to purchase dairy cows, chickens and farming equipment.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

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