A loan helped to buy potato seeds, fertilizers for plants and changing oil for his agricultural tractor.

Alqi's story

Alqi is a 35-year-old married father of two, who are 9 and 3 years old, and they live in a village. The loan that he is requesting from Kiva lenders will be used to buy potato seeds for planting, fertilizers and also changing oil for the agricultural tractor that he uses for plowing/planting/harvesting.

During these past 10+ years, rural activity has been his focus and also the only source of income for the family. They owned only two dynyms of land and later they rented another 28 dynyms. All the rental expenses are $1,128/year; he plants red peppers on 10 dynyms, white beans on 13 dynyms and potatoes on the remaining seven dynyms. The annual revenue is as follows: $900/beans, $5,200/red peppers and $2,000/potatoes.

This loan is special because:

It supports populations in a country where financing options are scarce.

Loan details

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