Kiva Loan Dedication

Jose Dolores

Personal Use
Personal Use
El Salvador
El Salvador

Jose, 47 years old, is a single father and lives with his 11 year old son. He is a very hard worker, friendly, and responsible, qualities that characterize him among the inhabitants of his small town. He pushes himself a lot everyday at work to bring daily sustenance to his son, who stays under the care of neighbors while he works. He lends his driving abilities to the transportation company, which makes a route from his town towards the outside, putting himself at risk to the ongoing violence in the area. He requests a loan from FUSAI to invest in: wire, flexible conduits, breaker boxes, connectors, and installation fees for electrical energy. He hopes for the approval of the loan so he can invest immediately, and this way his son is in a better place where he can live and no longer fear for his safety at night.

To: Nisse & Karolina

November 13, 2015
by Anna