Kiva Loan Dedication



Ajvaz is 25 years old, married and a new father of a baby just eight months old. He lives with his wife and their baby as well as his brother in the same house in a minority Ashali community. In order to earn a living, he is working as a painter and improving facades of buildings and homes. He also works with his brother to cut wood for heating and to sell to others for heating. Now, for the first time, he is asking for a loan in order to purchase a new wood cutting machine. This machine will allow him to be able to cut the wood more efficiently and effectively, making…

Ajvaz is 25 years old, married and a new father of a baby just eight months old. He lives with his wife and their baby as well as his brother in the same house in a minority Ashali community. In order to earn a living, he is working as a painter and improving facades of buildings and homes. He also works with his brother to cut wood for heating and to sell to others for heating. Now, for the first time, he is asking for a loan in order to purchase a new wood cutting machine. This machine will allow him to be able to cut the wood more efficiently and effectively, making his job quicker and easier and increasing the amount of wood he can sell. He is very grateful for the opportunity, and wants to thank all of the lenders for their support. He hopes that in the future he will be able to start his own painting business.

To: Mom

I chose this loan because... I love my mother who does so much for me.

May 8, 2014
by Nick