Kiva Loan Dedication



Mr. Bat-Erdene is 53 years old and lives with his wife and granddaughter in a small house in the Orhon province of Mongolia. His wife Davaatseren, age 47, helps her husband to run the family business and care for their three-year-old granddaughter, Amin-Erdene. Mr. Bat-Erdene and his wife used to run a small grocery store. They closed their store because it became unprofitable when larger stores opened nearby. Mr. Bat-Erdene is now requesting 3,500,000 MNT to purchase equipment and machinery to start his own wooden furniture manufacturing business. He used to work…

Mr. Bat-Erdene is 53 years old and lives with his wife and granddaughter in a small house in the Orhon province of Mongolia. His wife Davaatseren, age 47, helps her husband to run the family business and care for their three-year-old granddaughter, Amin-Erdene. Mr. Bat-Erdene and his wife used to run a small grocery store. They closed their store because it became unprofitable when larger stores opened nearby. Mr. Bat-Erdene is now requesting 3,500,000 MNT to purchase equipment and machinery to start his own wooden furniture manufacturing business. He used to work at a furniture manufacturing company before he started his grocery store. He is a hardworking, diligent, and clever person.

To: anonymized

January 10, 2013
by Ali

To: anonymized

January 10, 2013
by Michelle