Kiva Loan Dedication



Abubakar is 44 years old and lives in the town of Mbale, in the Mbale region of Uganda. He is married and has five children, all of whom are currently in school. For the past five years, Abubakar has been working hard to manage his small shop, where he sells shoes. To help expand his business, Abubakar has requested a loan of 2,000,000 Ugandan Shillings from BRAC Uganda. The loan will be used to buy more fashionable shoes for reselling. This will help Abubakar to generate greater profits and pay school fees for his children. Abubakar hopes that in the future he will be…

Abubakar is 44 years old and lives in the town of Mbale, in the Mbale region of Uganda. He is married and has five children, all of whom are currently in school. For the past five years, Abubakar has been working hard to manage his small shop, where he sells shoes. To help expand his business, Abubakar has requested a loan of 2,000,000 Ugandan Shillings from BRAC Uganda. The loan will be used to buy more fashionable shoes for reselling. This will help Abubakar to generate greater profits and pay school fees for his children. Abubakar hopes that in the future he will be able to become the richest man in town. Abubakar is a member of BRAC's Small Enterprise Program (SEP). The program primarily serves small entrepreneurs like Abubakar, who do not have enough collateral for commercial loans, but have businesses that have grown too large for microloans.

To: Alison

I chose this loan because... 1) Abubakar will bring more swagger to Uganda. 2) Mbale is close to Mt Elgon, where Dara and Eric are hiking! 3) It's also just on the border between Kenya and Uganda. If I were there, I would be 3 HOURS from Kampala. And that would make me happy.

December 18, 2012
by Kate