Kiva Loan Dedication


Isfana town, Batken…

Gulmira is 44 years old, married. She and her husband have one son. Her husband and son help Gulmira with running the business. Currently, she is involved in selling food products at her small store. She started her business with 20,000 som in 1993. Gulmira's monthly income amounts to about 15,000-20,000 som. She is a very honest and goal-oriented person. After the breakup of the USSR, Gulmira and her husband were left in a difficult predicament, as collective farms fell apart and widespread privatization started. Everything that she has achieved was achieved…

Gulmira is 44 years old, married. She and her husband have one son. Her husband and son help Gulmira with running the business. Currently, she is involved in selling food products at her small store. She started her business with 20,000 som in 1993. Gulmira's monthly income amounts to about 15,000-20,000 som. She is a very honest and goal-oriented person. After the breakup of the USSR, Gulmira and her husband were left in a difficult predicament, as collective farms fell apart and widespread privatization started. Everything that she has achieved was achieved thanks to her love of hard work. In order to further expand her business, she requested a loan in the amount of 100,000 som (KGS) from the "Bai-Tushum and Partners" company to purchase food products for subsequent resale. Gulmira plans to use the resulting income to improve her living conditions. She said that her plans are to increase product turnover and repair her apartment in the future.

To: anonymized

November 18, 2012
by anonymized