Kiva Loan Dedication


Takeo province

Roeurn is 29 years old, married and lives with her husband and two children in Takeo Province, Cambodia. She has been working in a garment factory for more than a year, earning approximately $4 daily. Her husband earns a living by selling dharma books. He earns about $20 per day. Roeurn is requesting a loan for $500 to purchase more dharma books for him to sell. This will allow him expand his business and earn more money for the family. In the future, she would like to begin a new business of raising pigs so that she can earn enough money to send her children to a good…

Roeurn is 29 years old, married and lives with her husband and two children in Takeo Province, Cambodia. She has been working in a garment factory for more than a year, earning approximately $4 daily. Her husband earns a living by selling dharma books. He earns about $20 per day. Roeurn is requesting a loan for $500 to purchase more dharma books for him to sell. This will allow him expand his business and earn more money for the family. In the future, she would like to begin a new business of raising pigs so that she can earn enough money to send her children to a good school.

To: anonymized

November 7, 2012
by anonymized