Kiva Loan Dedication


Siem Reap

Savy is 52 years old, married, has two children and lives in the Kralanh district of Siem Reap province, Cambodia. As a responsible mother, she works hard every day to generate income with her husband so that they can cover their family member's daily costs and send children to school. Savy and her husband works as construction workers in their community with their team, providing this service to customers.

At the moment, Savy’s home is under construction and she needs more materials to have it finished. Due to a shortage of money, she is asking for a loan to buy construction supplies for the renovation of her old home. She has requested a loan in the amounting of KHR 8,000,000 to buy cements, brick and others equipment for renovate her house. She hopes that, through the help of the loan, she can provide everyone in her family with a suitable place to live, comfortable living conditions and has enough material to cover the roof which currently lacks.

She sends thanks to all lenders and promise to pay loan back as scheduled.

No dedications have been made for this loan.