Kiva Loan Dedication


Bokonbaevo village,…

Kereezgan is 58 years old, married and has three adult children. Kereezgan has secondary education and works as cook. As a main income for her family, she has worked with livestock breeding and field crop cultivation since 1992.

Thanks to Kereezgan's persistent work and responsible approach to the business, she was able to develop her farm to three cows, 46 sheep and four horses. She also has 1.3 hectares of irrigated land, on which she grows barley and clover.

With an aim to further develop her farm, Kereezgan turned to the bank "Bai Tushum" for a…

Kereezgan is 58 years old, married and has three adult children. Kereezgan has secondary education and works as cook. As a main income for her family, she has worked with livestock breeding and field crop cultivation since 1992.

Thanks to Kereezgan's persistent work and responsible approach to the business, she was able to develop her farm to three cows, 46 sheep and four horses. She also has 1.3 hectares of irrigated land, on which she grows barley and clover.

With an aim to further develop her farm, Kereezgan turned to the bank "Bai Tushum" for a loan in the amount of 100,000 som (KGS) to purchase livestock to increase her income from livestock breeding. Kereezgan plans to invest the income from the loan in further developing her business through increasing her herd. A part of the income will also be saved for a family vacation.

No dedications have been made for this loan.