Kiva Loan Dedication



Nusrat is a 53 years old woman, residing in Rawalpindi, Pakistan. She is a mother of 4 children. Her husband has been running a crockery store for 30 years from street to street and she also helps in his work.

Nusrat is applying for Kiva loan from its field partner BRAC Pakistan. Because her husband has to purchase different types of crockery i.e jugs, glasses, plates, dinner sets and etc. This loan will help her husband to purchase these items, so that he can earn maximum profit and increase the daily sales. Her husband can also use the profit amount as savings…

Nusrat is a 53 years old woman, residing in Rawalpindi, Pakistan. She is a mother of 4 children. Her husband has been running a crockery store for 30 years from street to street and she also helps in his work.

Nusrat is applying for Kiva loan from its field partner BRAC Pakistan. Because her husband has to purchase different types of crockery i.e jugs, glasses, plates, dinner sets and etc. This loan will help her husband to purchase these items, so that he can earn maximum profit and increase the daily sales. Her husband can also use the profit amount as savings to fulfill the future needs.
Nusrat is very thankful to Kiva and BRAC Pakistan.

To: Laura

I chose this loan because... Nusrat is taking a loan for crockery, & I know how much Laura loves her mason jar! Laura-thank you for your indefatigable attention to lender concerns. Even & especially at those times when we're most demanding, know how very much we appreciate you.

June 3, 2016
by Sharon