Kiva Loan Dedication

Karla Xiomara

El Salvador
Agencia San Miguel
El Salvador

Karla is a young, single 23 year old woman who studies psychology. She doesn't have kids and currently lives with her mother and brother. Karla's studying psychology but she has worked in a pupusa eatery and has experience with that type of business because she has had to work seasonally to help her family and pay her expenses. She's planning on opening a store and setting up her own pupusa business. She'll use this loan to purchase dietary products, beverages, detergent, etc to set up a store and also buy a griddle to make pupusas. In the future she plans on finishing her degree and get a job to help her family. She also dreams of having a family and kids of her own.

To: anonymized

I chose this loan because... This used to be a very private dedication message

February 29, 2016
by anonymized