Hernan Adalberto

Hernan Adalberto

A loan of $825 helps to purchase agricultural fertilizers and pesticides to assist cultivation.


Hernan Adalberto

Hernan Adalberto's story

Hernán Adalberto is 38 years old, single, and lives with his parents in the Municipality of Santa Cruz de Yojoa, Department of Cortes. He has worked growing and selling coffee for 11 years. Before, he worked planting corn and beans for family consumption and for sale. He is requesting a loan from ODEF for the sum of 20,000 Lempiras to invest in the purchase of agricultural fertilizers and pesticides to technically assist his cultivation. His plan is to have a better product to offer in the market and sell it at a better price. In addition, his goal is to improve the economic stability of his family and meet his needs.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Mariana Orozco. View original language description.

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